Work Bond Information
Thank you for your commitment to supporting Toms River East Little League. As a Team Admin, you play a vital role in helping families understand and fulfill their Work Bond responsibilities. Below is the information you need to guide families through the process and assist them effectively.
Work Bond Responsibilities for Families
Families are responsible for:
Tracking Hours: Using the provided Work Bond form to record their completed hours. Each entry must be signed by you, another Team Admin (from a sibling’s team), or a TRELL board member.
Form Safety: Keeping the Work Bond form safe throughout the season. Remind families to make copies or store the form securely to prevent loss.
Submission Deadline: Submitting completed Work Bond forms no later than July 31, 2025. Late submissions may result in families not receiving credit for their hours.
Opportunities for Families to Earn Work Bond Hours
Share the following opportunities with families to help them fulfill their Work Bond requirements:
Coaching or assisting as a coach.
Serving as a team Admin.
Participating in field clean-up days.
Volunteering for league committees.
Helping with league events.
Working in the announcement booth on Field 1.
Operating the scoreboards during games.
And much more to be announced!
Your Role as a Team Admin
As a Team Admin, your responsibilities include:
Verification: Signing off on completed Work Bond hours for families on your team. Be sure to verify that the work was completed.
Communication: Keeping families informed about Work Bond opportunities and requirements. Use GameChanger to send reminders and updates.
Support: Answering questions families may have about the Work Bond program and assisting them in navigating the process.
Your involvement ensures that families are informed, engaged, and able to meet their Work Bond commitments. If you have any questions about your role or the program, please reach out to a board member for guidance.